



June 8, 2024


Hi there Champion!

In the spirit of World Ocean Day 2024, we urge you join us in asking UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to highlight that the protection of the deep sea is a necessary and effective measure toward ending the ocean and planetary emergency. A healthy deep sea is critical for all life on Earth.

The deep sea supports an abundance of life, with biodiversity akin to tropical rainforests. Scientists believe that as many as 10 million species may inhabit the deep, the majority of which are yet to be discovered. A healthy deep ocean is one of our greatest allies in the fight against climate change.


Join us in calling for a

Why we #DefendTheDeep!


moratorum on deep sea mining!

We have 24 hours of action for the ocean! See 3 Digital Actions to save the Deep Sea below ⬇️.

Antonio Guterres, UN Secretary-General, we seek your support to secure the deep sea’s health for us & future generations:

  1. Send a tweet
  2. Send an email
  3. Tag @antonioguterres to ask enact a precautionary moratorium on deep-sea mining for the health of our oceans!


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theoxygenproj This #WorldOceansDay, the deep sea needs our help! The deep sea is a vital weapon against climate change but deep-sea mining remains a threat! 🌊

We urge you @antonioguterres to lead the call for a moratorium on #DeepSeaMining to ensure the ocean and humanity thrives for generations to come


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The Oxygen Project


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In the spirit of World Ocean Day 2024, we urge you @antonioguterres to lead the call for a moratorium on #DeepSeaMining to ensure the ocean and humanity thrives for generations to come #DefendTheDeep

let’s flood socials with action!

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Urgent call to protect the deep ocean 🚨

Dear Secretary-General Antonio Guterres,

We are writing to you in the spirit of World Ocean Day 2024, we urge you to lead the call for a moratorium on Deep Sea Mining to ensure the ocean and humanity thrives for generations to come. The protection of the deep sea is a necessary and effective measure toward ending the ocean and planetary emergency.

A healthy deep sea is critical for all life on Earth, the deep sea supports a rich abundance of life, with biodiversity akin to tropical rainforests. Scientists believe that as many as 10 million species may inhabit the deep, the majority of which are yet to be discovered.

A healthy deep ocean is also one of our greatest allies in the fight against climate change. The ocean helps regulate Earth’s climate and has absorbed and stored over 90% of the excess heat and 28% of the CO2 generated by humanity’s burning of fossil fuels. Further biodiversity loss and disturbance of the deep seabed could severely limit the deep sea’s ability to sequester and store carbon.

However, cumulative threats to the deep sea such as deep-sea mining and bottom impact fishing, magnified by pervasive impacts of climate change and pollution, make its protection of paramount importance. We must take action now.

To secure the deep sea’s health for future generations, we seek your support to call for States to:

  • Enact a precautionary moratorium or pause on deep-sea mining to allow for sufficient science and understanding of the deep ocean and the impacts of deep-sea mining on the marine environment.

We count on you to protect the seabed and reaffirm your stand for ocean conservation.


[Your Name]

why we protect the deep sea

“We ARE nature protecting itself”

Casey Camp-Horinek

10 million

Are speculate to inhabit the deep!

30% of GHG

Emissions are absorbed by oceans.

71% of Earth

Is covered by the ocea.

want to do more?

The Oxygen Project

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